There seems to have been a big brouhaha in the States about President Obama's birth certificate. He was pressured to produce it (which I think was actually pretty lame of him) and, of course, The Tea Party are all over it as some sort of conspiracy to eradicate the American way of life.
And I thought: I hope someone from the Tea Party wins the next election.
Not because I'm all over the 'Obama isn't even from around here; it's all a conspiracy' theme but because I really, really want to see what happens if they do get in AND get to push their agenda through.
I mean, call me cynical but isn't anyone else interested in what might happen if REAL, honest to God, whackjobs take over? I am. We don't have any real whackjobs over here, Tony Abbott notwithstanding, but I wouldn't be averse to some whackjob leading our Parliament anyway. Human beings are pretty resilient, we can overcome pretty much anything. I just wonder what would happen if an Armidinijad (spelling?) took over. Because, let's face it, the Tea Party are no different to him.
I'm fascinated, mainly because it's all outside for me. I'm not American, so I don't stand to gain or lose if they take over. Maybe the world will but ultimately, it won't affect me personally. So I say, bring it on.
I want to see what the worst that can happen is.
You saw what would happen under G.W. It all looks good on paper, but then again what doesn't? Execution is an entirely different beast. Obama won by a landslide because we all agreed the republicans (personified by GW) couldn't execute. We felt like Obama could. I believe in Obama but that's arbitrary. But you provoke interesting thoughts with the post. I can dig it.
Like Agentblue sort of said, real honest to god wack jobs already took over and they were called the Bush Administration. You saw what happened there. As for the birth certificate thing, how many times is that guy going to be asked to prove his birth place and why in the name of fuckety should it even MATTER if you were born in the US so long as you have strong ties to it and since his mother is AMERICAN and he grew up in Hawaii, this makes him more than eligible anyway if you ask me. Which no one did. But I'm telling you anyway. He was born in Hawaii. And if by some master of subterfuge he wasn't, SO WHAT?
Nothing will happen, my friend. Nothing ever happens. The right wing fucks are as impotent as the left wing fucks. They're all just swimming around in the same impotent soup of posturing, name-calling, and demonizing. The Tea Party is such a joke. What is it they want? My favorite thing is the debate about taxes. Guess what? We've irresponsibly spent ourselves into a fiscal black hole: personally and publicly. It's time to pay the piper... and the piper takes taxes. My greatest fear is that the religious right takes over and destroys our supposed secular state. That's when I leave because, let's face it, god is synonymous with bigotry, persecution, and pain.
I kind of 'get' the ideology of what I understand most of the tea party to be about (although I haven't been to a rally despite living in Texas). There are crazies in every group and the teaparty is no exception.
I perceive them as thousands of people ineffectively (so far) sitting around in loosely organized groups basically whining about paying too much in taxes and promoting states rights vs. rights of the federal (overall) government.
I agree with them for the most part about too much taxation given results and the fed vs. states angle.
For example, if I'm in Texas paying my taxes to a conservative state government, and the Federal government knocks on Texas' door and says 'Hey, California made some really stupid decisions and now they're bankrupt, so why don't you guys cough up some money...', as a fiscal conservative, I would say 'We're not really responsible for what they did, so fuck off.'
Basically that's the sentiment of the tea partiers, except they take it a level further in that they want to force the the federal government to be smaller and have less influence (e.g. less regulation and more personal freedom).
On social issues, that's where I'm more liberal. And that's where the tea party would do well to shut the hell up. I'm for personal freedoms of every kind, financial which the left is against, and social which the right is against. Can't win.
The problem with the US government is nothing drastic will ever happen except, eventually, complete collapse of the system. The government is so big and so cumbersome that it takes forever to get anything done and by the time you do it has been filtered through so many compromises, meetings and rewrites that it doesn't even resemble the original bill. I agree with Boulette de Viande, nothing will happen if the Tea Part takes the reigns.
So, it seems like everyone is on the same page that nothing much will happen no matter what. Which I kind of suspected anyway but I must admit, I'm a bit sad about that. But I agree mostly with Veg: why the fuck should Obama be made to produce a birth certificate to prove he's loyal to a country that he's doing his utmost to try to get out of a big pile of shit that wasn't his fault in the first place. The fact that he did produce one though, disappoints the hell out of me. Never happen to a white man.
I think that all this fuss is a little too late. After three, going on four years, what difference does it make? But then again, what would politics be without a scandal and gossip?
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