Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Riddle me this

If it's a winter's morning and the fog is thick on the ground and in the air, why would you drive your car around without your lights on? I mean, you may be the most misanthropic person in existence but, for you own safety, wouldn't you want to make sure you're seen and that you can see?

Have we really become this selfish?


Gorilla Bananas said...

Just a common-or-garden arsehole by the sound of it.

The Unbearable Banishment said...

Because you're an evil super-villain?

tennysoneehemingway said...

V: yes and yes. love your new avatar, by the way.

GB: more than one, I'm afraid.

UB: never thought of that. perhaps a stupid, evil villian. Are there any other type?

tennysoneehemingway said...

V: yes and yes. love your new avatar, by the way.

GB: more than one, I'm afraid.

UB: never thought of that. perhaps a stupid, evil villian. Are there any other type?

tennysoneehemingway said...

V: yes and yes. love your new avatar, by the way.

GB: more than one, I'm afraid.

UB: never thought of that. perhaps a stupid, evil villian. Are there any other type?

tennysoneehemingway said...

V: yes and yes. love your new avatar, by the way.

GB: more than one, I'm afraid.

UB: never thought of that. perhaps a stupid, evil villian. Are there any other type?